Sunday, April 24, 2011

Popcorn Glorious Popcorn

Finally! Lent has come to an end and we can eat popcorn again. It really was a sacrifice for us as we just love the stuff. Therefore, I would like to share with you how I have been eating popcorn ever since I can remember. Basically, you make the popcorn, whether it be microwave, air popped, or those new fancy popcorn makers. Along side the popcorn you add a small bowl of hamburger dill chip pickles with a little bit of juice. You dip your popcorn in the juice or take a bite of the pickle with a few bites of the popcorn. I promise this is so good! Nobody thinks it will be but it is. It is one of my favorite ways to eat popcorn. I urge you all to try it because you really will be suprised at how much you will like it. I've gotten many people hooked on popcorn and pickles. It's a staple in my house.

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