Sunday, April 24, 2011

Popcorn Glorious Popcorn

Finally! Lent has come to an end and we can eat popcorn again. It really was a sacrifice for us as we just love the stuff. Therefore, I would like to share with you how I have been eating popcorn ever since I can remember. Basically, you make the popcorn, whether it be microwave, air popped, or those new fancy popcorn makers. Along side the popcorn you add a small bowl of hamburger dill chip pickles with a little bit of juice. You dip your popcorn in the juice or take a bite of the pickle with a few bites of the popcorn. I promise this is so good! Nobody thinks it will be but it is. It is one of my favorite ways to eat popcorn. I urge you all to try it because you really will be suprised at how much you will like it. I've gotten many people hooked on popcorn and pickles. It's a staple in my house.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chicken Caesar Salad

I have been making this Caesar salad for years. I kind of made it up as I went along because I became highly allergic to seafood a few years back and had to make some changes as I cannot use anchovy paste anymore. However, in my opinion it tastes just as good to me!


Baked or grilled chicken breast cubbed or torn into bite sized pieces

Romaine lettuce

Ralph's brand worchestershire sauce (no anchovies, as most have them as an ingredient, if you are not allergic you can use any brand)

Dijon mustard - I always use a dijon that is a product of France

Garlic - minced

Fresh lime juice (you can substitute lemons if you're out of limes)

Olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Parmesan cheese

Here are all of the ingredients. I have the chicken baking in the oven. I bake or grill the chicken, either one works great.

This is a MUST HAVE in your kitchen. Ok, I know mine is a bit on the old side, but I just love it. I tried to replace it once but it just wasn't the same. Anyway, everyone needs a salad spinner to dry your lettuce when making salads. Like I said, it is a MUST!!! Anyway, wash and dry your romaine and tear into pieces for the salad. It's a bit of a tedious process but it really does make a difference.

Another MUST - a small wire whisk. I got mine at a Pampered Chef party years ago. I usually keep 2 of them in the house. I make all my salad dressings (no bottled dressing for me) so I think I need even more than 2.

My favorite kitchen tool! A lemon/lime squeezer.

These are all of the ingredients for the salad dressing. You mince your garlic (I do it with a knife, not a press) add to the bowl, then add salt and pepper, a small dab of the dijon mustard - I don't measure but I would say maybe 1/2 a teaspoon, add some worchestershire sauce - maybe about 1 1/2 tablespoons, squeeze in your lime juice - depending on how big of a salad you are making I would use one or two limes, then add your olive oil. Usually the ratio is 2 olive oils to 1 lime juice. All of your ingredient measurements will change according to how big of a salad you are making.

Then you take your wire whisk and mix all of the ingredients together. Now at this point take a piece of your lettuce and dip it into the dressing and take a taste. If it tastes good then you are done. If you think you need a little more of something then just add whatever ingredient you think it needs until it tastes perfect!

Pour the dressing over the salad, chicken, and parmesan cheese. Mix together with salad tongs. Now isn't that a beautiful healthy dinner for your family?? We love it over here!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Quick Moisturizing Tip

A girlfriend of mine gave me this tip a few years ago. I use baby oil in the shower every day to moisturize. At the end of your shower just apply some to your body before you get out. It is really amazing how much time this saves from having to apply lotion everyday and it keeps your body really moist. A great tip that I am so glad my friend shared with me. Thanks Laura!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easy Guacamole

I made this quacamole today. It's super easy and I try to keep avacado's on hand so that when we are in the mood for a snack I can whip this up and everyone is satisfied.

To make quacamole here are the ingredients. This is more of a milder version. If you like it to be spicy then add some tabasco or red onion to the mixture. I make the mild version because in my house the onions and spice don't always agree with everyone. I won't name names!!

Dice the tomatoes as small as you can. Also please use fresh garlic and dice it up with a knife or you can use a garlic press, but I find if you use a knife then it tastes better.

This is absolutely one of my favorite tools in the kitchen. I pretty much use it everyday. A lemon squeezer. Gets all the juice right out with no seeds or anything. I love it. I think I bought this at Target. My other favorite store!!

Peel and dice the avacado's, juice the lemon over them and add the tomatoes, garlic, and some salt and pepper to taste.

Smash the mixture as best you can with a fork.

And here it is - a healthy, non-processed snack that everyone will love!!

I love Trader Joe's

Okay - everybody out there knows that I love wine. So I thought it only fitting to share with you my go to wine. It is the Trader Joe's Coastal brand. It tastes great and is only $3.99 a bottle. You can't beat it. Especially for people like me who likes to drink wine and not open an expensive bottle. I save those for special occasions. Now for those of you who don't have a Trader Joe's near you then all I can say is that I am just very truly sorry. You'll have to do like my mom does and find someone who can ship their stuff to you. And trust me it's not only the wine that is good there. It's EVERYTHING!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Voila! An easy dinner tonight!!

Well I guess since it is my first day to start my blog it seems only fitting for me to post on tonight's dinner. I plan on posting a lot of recipes so I may as well get started. We didn't have anything fancy, basically I was just creating a meal from last night's left overs. With this being said I think I should add that right now my family is trying to cut a few calories and eat only non-processed foods. We don't always succeed at this but I think we do pretty good. You will notice I'm using sweet potatoes and only 100% whole wheat buns. Just a few little things to make the meal somewhat healthier.

Ingredients for the sweet potatoes.

I only had shredded parmesean so I had to grate it myself with a knife. Also, since we are in the process of moving I don't have my full kitchen so I make due with whatever utensils I brought to the apartment.

Parmesean cheese after I grated it.

Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into strips. Sweet potatoes are harder to cut than regular potatoes so make sure you have a sharp knife. Put them in a bowl and add the salt, pepper, grated parmesean and some olive oil. Just sprinkle a tablespoon or so of the olive oil over the potatoes and mix the ingredients together.

Spread potatoes onto a cookie sheet and bake at about 425 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes.

No this does NOT look pretty, but nobody will ever be the wiser once you serve them a yummy left over dinner from last nights pork tenderloin.

Dice the pork or shred as small as you can. Pour your favorite bbq sauce over it and mix well. This recipe works well with any kind of left over meat. Beef, chicken or pork. Bake the mixture in the oven with the potatoes for about 20 minutes to heat.

And here you have it!!! BBQ pork sandwiches with sweet potatoe fries!! And trust me if someone in your family thinks they do not like sweet potatoes then just feed them roasted one's with parmesean cheese. They WILL become a fan!!

Some of my favorite pics as a novice

For Christmas my husband bought me a Canon EOS Rebel T2i. I am learning the art of photography and will be taking some classes this month. Hopefully my images will get better, but until then here are a few of my favorite pictures I have taken as a novice...

My mom got us this bottle of wine. I love the bottle and the wine! I love the background in this picture also.

We had some friends over for a small gathering and these are some of the hors d'oeuvres I served, I thought this picture turned out beautiful!

We had 21 people over for dinner at my mom's house. She has beautiful Fiestaware and we actually had enough for all of us to sit at one table. What a wonderful time and a wonderful picture!

Who doesn't love pizza! Angelo and Vinci's is our favorite!!

Saint Joseph. He did his job. We buried him in the ground and sold our house in exactly 8 days! Thank you Saint Joseph. Now we are giving in return by not eating popcorn thru lent. Oh how we miss popcorn! But it is the least we could do!! Really!!

This was taken on our Valentine's Day dinner with friends. I love to entertain and this captures the beginning of a great meal! AND yes, that is homemade bread! I made it!!! Thank you Judy for teaching me how.